Sunday, October 10, 2010

Say whatttt?

So I’ve decided to start a blog.

I don’t know why. Maybe because I’ve been reading This Blog and her hilarity has spurred me into action. I’m not sure what to start with…Hmmm.

So this is all K’s fault. I refuse to use her name, cause if I do and she happens to make any of her friends read this, they will know quickly and immediately that not only do I disapprove, I downright despise. Nay Nay, K’s friends. Nay nay.

K is fantastic.

Right off the bat I’m gonna let you know that I’m not a tiny girl by any means (Nor am I oprah-worthy, however. I must find my fame in other avenues…), I’m big. Big girls are much more fun, because we know that no matter what you say to us someone else in a few years or months or whatever is going to come up with a more unique and original way of making fun of us. So really, have fun while you can. One day my many children will crush you, because I have lots of sex.


Yes, K is my best friend. I found quite quickly I am horrible at making real life friends. They’re all self centered or two faced or start liking my other friends more then me. Since I can turn that into a whole blog post, I’m not going to get into it too much. But K was my first real Internet Best Friend.

It all started because I’m a huge damn nerd and write fan fiction.

Yes, damnit, I write fan fiction. Through the incredible depths of I realized that there are some fucked up people in this world. For instance, my most popular work on was a Buffy the vampire fic that was spuffycentric and AU (alternate universe) it was mostly song lyrics. Yes. Song lyrics in a story.

In my defense, I was like, thirteen when I started writing it and had very little comprehension of ‘Words’ and ‘Plot’. These things were so foreign to me I spent most of my time sticking whatever song I happened to like into the story.

Off topic again? Bah. This is going to be more random then I thought…

I’d written a story for Torchwood (And if you know what that is, I point at you and yell either ‘Nerd’ or ‘BRITISH PERSON’ at you) And mentioned I needed a beta because all my other potential betas were just lonely people in my head, who were no better at grammar and spelling then I was. A beta is someone who proofreads a story chapter by chapter until you curl into a ball, crying, because you are bad at wording or writing or whatever it was you happened to be trying to accomplish when you started out. Why I wanted one confuses me to this day, but through this quest I met my braintwin.

We began exchanging E-mails after she left a review on my Torchwood story,. I was honest with her and told her the only reason I was writing this particular non-graphic slash fiction was because my favorite show had to main male leads, but they were brothers, and the idea of incest did not appeal to me in any way shape or form. I believe I referred to it as ‘Squicky’.

She almost had a panic attack, because she was the same way. Supernatural was our love. Sam and Dean and the impala and bobby (Booby!) And Cas and Chuck and John! ARGH! I’m getting all fluttery just talking about it.

We then proceeded to talk more and more about us.

Me: You like Pizza, y/n?

K: Y!

Me: You like Hawaiian pizza, y/n?

K: Y!!!


Yes, we’re very, very deep.

We soon discovered we like most of the same shows, adore classic rock and Nickleback but are really, very varied in our musical tastes, and our relationships (All three or so of them) were creepily mirroring one another. I was in love.

Sadly, K lives in the deep netherverse (Alberta), and only once have our two universes collided so we can talk outside of out dimension portals (The internet and phone) We were already in our second year of best-friendom when her and her family went to New York for some rest and relaxation. On the way back they had a two-hour layover in Toronto, which is an hour away from yours truly.

I took two trains and two buses to get to the airport. Then I stood (Okay, paced and bounced around impatiently) At where I thought she would be coming out with my friend Tim, who was infinitely patient and kept me company because The Boyfriend didn’t want to come (Had to work).

I was wrong of course, and she found me. Our first face-to-face conversation went something like this.

Me: HI!

K: HI!

Me: *Flails*

K: *Flails more*

Tim: *-_-‘*

Me: *Makes squeaky noises while flailing*

K: *Flails while making squeaky noises*

Tim: :0

The rest of our hour and a half visit was spent giggling and laughing and nervous shuffling. Her parents commented often on how damn alike we are. We’re fabulous.

She then returned to the netherverse, and I haven’t seen her since.

I miss my K.

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