Monday, October 18, 2010


*Is in throes of happy glee*


I had to do this assignment where we had to re-create a 2D fictional character in Adobe Illustrator. This is my third time ever using the program, and here's what I decided to do.

*Points to picture* *Nods slowly* Is batman, you guys.

Now I thought i was gonna do a shitty job, but guess what?!
Oh, right. He's missing a mouth. I'N NOT FINISHED YET! ...Jezze.

But hey! I've got some epic batman action going on here!

*Wonders if batman could be animated*

Anyway, I've been working my ass of on this guy for the last couple of weeks and believe me, it's not easy.

In other news, The Boyfriend's birthday was last week. On the 12th, whoo. Twenty-Four now. I've been holding back on the old man jokes, bit it's harddd. *Sad face* Like, really hard. But I do it because he is my love, and I do not wish to hurt his feelings. We're going for his body scan tonight.

Ohhh yeah. The Boyfriend has uber-treatable thyroid cancer, for the one person who's reading this and doesn't know. It's supposedly all gone now, but we're going in for scans and so on... Blegh.

Mom's chemo started today too...Yeah, I just got great luck. If cancer were a lottery, I would have money. Mom has not-so-uber-treatable breast cancer. She had a...Mammogram...or... The operation that starts with Mamm that means boobs get cut off.

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