Thursday, November 11, 2010

Photo shoot!

I did the first part of my photo shoot with FTCR tonight. I had so much fun! I brought Laura and The Boyfriend and I gotta say, I was surprised how game The Boyfriend was in front of the camera. Sure, he made the moans and complaints that were expected of him but he ultimately did it. Amber's boyfriend wouldn't even try, and I felt bad for her cause it made things a teeny bit weird. We got over it pretty quick and I had a lot of fun. Here's a few of the better shots.
Laura is so pretty! <3 onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="">
PUT IT DOWN, LAURA! CHAIRS ARE FOR SITTING, NOT BEATING.Haha, Wow. This is the only one I liked cause you can't see all of my huge arms in it.

I love that picture. :)

This one is white washed, but I loved his 'Thinker' pose so much I stuck it up there.

D'awww. *cuddles*
She is the cutest thing ever.
Aw, Amber. See? I rest my case.

Oh, there's a story behind this picture. I told The Boyfriend to do his creepy stalker face at Laura, and this is what he came up with.

Awesome. Am I right?

I'm doing more on Saturday with Evee, so we'll see how it goes.