Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Goddamn people, come on.

I hate youtube. Not because of the horrible parody videos, or the v-logs that make me want to scratch my eyes out, or even the huge amounts of ass-clapping videos and emo kids making out. No. it's the fucking comments section.

And you cannot escape the comments section. No mater which video you click on, there will be some sort of flame war. Forget Ke$ha videos and Usher, almost everything has a comment saying something rude and ignorant.

I like Ke$ha, but I have no illusions as to what she is, which is auto-tuned and something you can dance to. But I don't comment on her videos about how if you want real music go listen to Metallica or Queen. I pride myself in having a varied musical taste. Yes, I love the screaming guitar rifts that AC/DC gives me. Okay, when System of a Down comes on my MP3 I turn the volume up. But I also like the mindless bass of The Black Eyed Peas (Even if they are thieving bastards) and the head-bopping sounds from Basshunter.

Are they deep? No. Do they have some sort of uniqueness that endears them to me? No. They are mindless songs that I can get lost in and sing along should I choose. But the fine world of Youtube comments seems to think I can only like one or the other. I can't enjoy Enter Sandman and then Your love is my Drug, it's just not possible! My head might explode!

And even on these 'Real music' videos, When you can watch a montage of a bunch of old guys in various poses while listening to one of their later songs, you'll see a video that has been voted up that says "Hell yes I love Metallica SO MUCH! So much better then Lady GaGa. This is what real music sounds like!"

Oh shut up! No one cares! I like Lady Gaga you bastard, just shut up. I came to listen to this music, not read you being stupid. Just enjoy the song and leave it alone!

The boyfriend is of this school of thought. He hates 'My music' and turns it down whenever I get to play it. And it angers me.

I just felt like ranting. :P

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